Create Healthy Habits: How to Always be on Time!

Do you have a tendency to show up late to places?

Are your friends & family upset about you never being on time? And we’re willing to bet
your boss isn’t thrilled either.

If you’re nodding with your head here, then this blog post is for you!

Being constantly late to everything and anything in your life isn’t one of the best traits a person can have. Apart from wrecking your schedule, it can seriously harm your integrity – and you don’t want that, do you? But the good news? There are always ways to break bad habits and create healthy habits instead – and one of them is learning how to show up on time!

Read on to find out how to always be on time and get rid of your bad habits once and for all!

1. Find out why you’re always late

If you want to create healthy habits for life, then you’ve got to figure out the reason why you’re always late. Maybe you don’t want to go where you’re supposed to be going. Maybe you’re discontent about something else in your life and choose to self-sabotage yourself in this way. And sometimes, maybe you’re just feeling lazy a bit too often. Whatever the reason, we won’t judge you! The point is to get inspired to peek a bit deeper into yourself so you tackle this issue!

2. Plan ahead

The best thing a person who’s chronically late can do is plan ahead as much as possible. For example, are you always rushing through the front door in the morning? Then come up with a morning routine and organize yourself as much as possible.Lay out clothes the night before. Prep all meals for the following day. Pack any bags you might be using: your work bag or briefcase, your gym bag, kids’ bags and so on, so you simply grab them in the morning and leave. Oh, and don’t leave your wallet & keys around the house. Keep them in whatever bag or pouch you’re using for your personal essentials.

3. Set clocks ahead

This advice is golden for those who are really struggling to keep up with their schedule. Simply set all of your clocks & watches slightly ahead – even 5-10 minutes are enough to make a difference. Remember to move the clock in your car as well. Over time, you’ll get so used to the time your clocks & watches are showing, you might even forget you’ve tempered them at all. But if you want this to work, you have to respect the time each clock or watch is showing. Don’t be tempted to cheat the first few days because it will surely beat the whole purpose!

4. Don’t procrastinate!

Often times, people who are late may incline towards procrastinating as well. Truth be told, the only remedy towards procrastination is simple – just do whatever you're supposed to be doing. For instance, don’t sneeze your alarm clock in the morning. The next time it goes off, get up immediately and start getting ready. Also, forget all about replying to emails or reading the news on your phone minutes before you’re supposed to leave the house. Simply focus on getting out of the front door and getting wherever you’re supposed to be.

Do you struggle to be on time? What do you do to make sure you’re sticking with your

Leave us a comment and let us know – we’d love to hear back from you!


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